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  • Technician Info: 2014 and up Mercedes engine oil services
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    Technician Info: 2014 and up Mercedes engine oil services

    It is advised for plastic drain pan models that if the engine oil plug is removed that it be replaced with a new plug.  However, on select model engines the drain plugs are not available separately from the oil pan at this time so if you remove the oil plug you will have to replace

  • Booked on Attempted Murder and Assault with a Deadly Weapon.
    • 4030
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    Booked on Attempted Murder and Assault with a Deadly Weapon.

    Here I was exactly 6 months ago, traveling southbound on the 405 freeway in Long Beach, California, at 1:15PM in the afternoon on the 18th of November last year, it was a warm and sunny. My dog, “Curly”, and I, were traveling in the slow lane in my Stahlwille Tools / German Tool Truck. The

  • Common Rail Glow Plug Extractor Kit
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    Common Rail Glow Plug Extractor Kit

    Common rail glow plugs are very skinny and long creating a large surface for carbon to stick the glow plug into the head. When the shaft of the glow plug sticks the hex head shears off and you are left with a broken glow plug in the head. These glow plugs are 10mm or 8mm

  • Mercedes-Benz Power Steering Bracket Bolts Made Easy
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    Mercedes-Benz Power Steering Bracket Bolts Made Easy

    Mercedes Benz power steering pump bracket bolts go from the front and the back. The Front bolts are somewhat easy to access and remove but the back bolts are long and fully threaded. The clearance is very tight between the back of the power steering pump and the exhaust manifold making for a very hard

  • VW/Audi Plastic Drain Plug Key
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    VW/Audi Plastic Drain Plug Key

    Starting in 2015 the 1.8T and 2.0T Volkswagen and Audi Engines are now using a plastic drain plug.  This plug locks into the pan with a 1/2 turn and is sealed by an O-ring.   This key releases the plastic plug that functions a lot like a radiator petcock.  Aluminum and steel weren’t strong enough so

  • Happy Easter To All You, My Friends.
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    Happy Easter To All You, My Friends.

    Life usually brings us things we want, we get up in the morning and go to work.  We expect the sun to rise, the freeways to be jammed, and cars waiting to be fixed.  Many times it takes us hard work with long hours to get what we want and sometimes life even gives us

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