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Happy Easter To All You, My Friends.
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Happy Easter To All You, My Friends.

Life usually brings us things we want, we get up in the morning and go to work.  We expect the sun to rise, the freeways to be jammed, and cars waiting to be fixed.  Many times it takes us hard work with long hours to get what we want and sometimes life even gives us the good things we didn’t even ask for.  But sometimes it bring things into our lives that we didn’t want and would never ask for.  Sometimes life brings us things we can’t return or refuse when their given.

You guys know there are no shortages of broken down cars, tools to buy, bills to pay, intermittent no-starts, these things come on a daily basis, but they usually come during normal business hours and on a manageable level.  Yeah, you have your customers that don’t understand that intermittent means intermittent, but at the end of the day a car is just a car and can eventually be repaired given enough time and money. 

Tools fall into this category too, if it’s broke just return it for warranty or buy another one. But just like a tool under warranty, your heart can only be changed for a new one if the old one is broken.  My heart broke on Valentines Day, February 14, 2014 and I gave it back for a new one.  I know you guys haven’t had easy paths either, as I’ve gotten to know you over these years, divorces, cancer, strokes, breakups, lost spouses and children too, these are all common to the human condition but they don’t have to burden us down.  We’ve been given a gift by the master repairman if we will just remember him.

There are things in life that can’t be repaired by you or me, for those things I’m thankful for Easter and I hope each one of you can find the peace I’ve found.

kate headstone

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